LinkedIn Resources

Why do you need a professional LinkedIn profile?

Well, to start off, LinkedIn is the largest business-oriented networking website dedicated to professionals across a large range of industries. It has over 500 million members, in over 200 countries.

So having a professionally written LinkedIn profile gives you the opportunity to create your own professional brand that showcases credibility in your industry but also highlights your achievements, which in turn could lead to you securing the job of a lifetime.

Take a look at this LinkedIn Profile Builder Presentation we have put together to get you started, that's if you haven't already. We have also included the loom videos to show you how you can get started.

LinkedIn Profile Builder

LinkedIn Profile Builder

HOW TO LinkedIn Loom videos

LinkedIn_ New Sign Up .mp4

LinkedIn New Sign Up

How to open a LinkedIn account.

LinkedIn_ Profile Picture Upload.mp4

LinkedIn Profile Picture Upload

Choosing the right picture for your profile.

LinkedIn_ The Banner.mp4

LinkedIn Banner Options

Creating a personalised banner for your personal brand.

LinkedIn_Head Liner and Summary.mp4

LinkedIn Headline and Summary

Creating a unique headline to get your profile noticed.

LinkedIn_Work History, education, skills, and much much more....mp4

LinkedIn Work History, education, skills, and much more...

Adding all the relevant professional experience you have.