DAY-2 VCLEP 2022

SLOT 5: Terengganu Virtual Tour

This slot brings out the colour of culture in Terengganu by bringing the expert of tour which is Encik Azahar. He started with some experiences sharing and the history of Terengganu 's district, from north until the south of the states. The story of Terengganu also continues about the source of economy, the signature dishes, historical monuments and artifacts such as Batu Bersurat, and the islands with the blue ocean in Terengganu which is considered as the main attraction here because of the location.

The tourist guide also introduced the participants about the flora and fauna of Terengganu. En. Azahar did also talks about 9 Species of Hornbill in Terengganu.

SLOT 6: Sanggar Budaya: Traditional Malay Folk Dance

The last slot started with the introduction of the traditional dance in Terengganu which is Ulek Mayang and inang. The introductory session was done by a representative from Kumpulan Kesenian Persadatari. As a moderator, she also act as a guide to the next activity which is to learn the dance itself. The session starts with playing a video for the dance as a sneak peek of what the dance looks like. Every move which has its significances and names were also told.

Next, a practical session on learning the dance were held by PersadaTari. A pair of dancer, male and female acts as instructor and the students turn on their camera to show their participation during the tutorial session. Since the participation of the participants was very encouraging, at the end of the session, almost all of the students can already dance the basic inang.

Group Presentation

In this session, participants which have been divided into groups with buddies, were required to present the uniqueness of their countries. Topics presented were such as the food, dialects, clothing, and their social customs. There are a total of seven groups.


The closing remarks were done by the Deputy Dean of PPAL, which is Dr. Azza Jauhar President of the Program and speech by Dr Lam Su Shiung. The best participant awards were also given to the participants to each university as a sign of appreciation on their active interaction during the program.

Finally, the program was ended by a photo session.