Guideline & Submission

Submit here

***Notification of Acceptance***

  1. Abstract(s) submitted will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and a notification will be sent to the identified Corresponding Author.
  2. The conference acceptance letter will be sent via email to the corresponding author once the manuscript has been reviewed by the Editorial Committee.
  3. All participants are required to complete the conference registration form upon acceptance.


*Each registered participant is allowed to submit a maximum of 3 papers/presentation. An extra charge will be imposed for the second and third paper submitted.

Participants who wish to present more than one research / paper, may do so by paying the fees stated below (on top of the standard registration fee) for each additional paper submission

- RM150 (for local participant) and RM100 (for students)

- USD50 (international participant) for each

* Students must produce valid student pass during registration in order to qualify for the special “student rate”.

* We accept papers in both English and Bahasa Malaysia languages