
 Disclaimer: Taxes are different for each individual, this page is to get you started in the right direction. Please meet with a tax professional.

2022 Information

1. Tax resources

ISSS has important resources on how to file taxes, tax residency, and ITIN applications found on the ISSS Tax Resource website. We are partnering with Nonresident Volunteer Tax Assistance Program (NRVTAP) to offer a virtual Tax Information Session on February 12; however, ISSS will not be contracting with a specific tax vendor to provide international students access this year.

2. Tax clinic appointments available

For Tax Nonresidents

The NoRTH & NRVTAP International Tax Clinic is now open to assist members with their 2021 tax returns! They provide free tax services to international students, scholars, teachers, and researchers. If you have an email that ends in .edu, you are eligible to become a free member and utilize their services at no cost. 

They provide free tax software, tools, guides, and video demos that are available on demand 24/7. They also provide individual support through tax clinics and office hours. Appointments are now available for clinics scheduled from February 15 through April 13. To request free membership please visit their website. There is no cost to become a NRVTAP member.

Please note: If you will receive a 1042-S form, you should schedule an appointment after mid-March (although you can make a reservation now). You will need this form to prepare your taxes, and the University of Minnesota will not be sending 1042-S forms until then.

ECFMG Tax Resources

ECFMG has a section on 'Paying Taxes', which covers the following topics;

Ways to file taxes

You can either seek help from a professional, or file yourself. It is very likely that using these services will come with a fee depending on your tax complexity.

Professional services will allow you to meet with a person and do the taxes together. You will most likely need an appointment (especially now with the pandemic). I few I can think of are;

Alternatively, you can file your taxes yourself online through a service that guides your through the tax documents. There are many, so make sure that the website you are using has a locked key on the top next to the web address. This means the website is secure. Examples are;

*NOTE: There may be other ways to file. These are ways that I have filed in the past.