Technical Assistance

The technical assistance program disseminates best practices through diverse forms of support including:

  • Pediatric Case Debrief

  • Simulation facilitator training

  • Didactic course guidance

  • SANE mentorship model

  • Toolkit for Trauma Informed Care Simulation Series

Pediatric Case Debrief

Our program recognizes that one of the most important forms of self care for SANE nurses is the ability to debrief a case with an expert SANE. This is particularly important where fewer resources are available to support pediatric SANE providers. Thus, our program is excited to offer individual pediatric SANE case debrief.

If you are interested in pediatric case debrief, please complete this form.

Embedded in the form, in addition to key pieces of information that our SANE-P certified debriefers have requested, you will find a supervisor form file and a HIPAA compliant chart redaction protocol.

What should I expect after I submit the form?

You will be contacted within one week by a debriefer to schedule a 1-hour case debrief appointment. Debriefs will take place over Zoom.

What will the debrief include?

The focus of the debrief is not institutional technical assistance, meaning we will not address protocols or procedures. Rather it is an opportunity to walk through the case with an expert SANE, consider alternatives, strengths, and opportunities in the way you managed the care of the patient. After the debrief ends, the program will email a brief summary to you, including the areas of focus of the debrief, strengths identified by the debriefer, and opportunities to advance your practice that were discussed during the meeting.

Does the debrief cost anything?

No, this service has no associated cost.

Do I need to be practicing as a SANE in Minnesota?

No, pediatric case debrief technical assistance is available regardless of the state you practice in.

Why does my supervisor need to sign a form?

We require supervisor approval for two reasons. Even though no protected health information is transferred during the debrief, we will be talking about sensitive cases, and we want to treat that trust with respect for the patient and the healthcare institution. In addition, this is another opportunity to strengthen relationships with SANE programs across the region.

What if I am not able to upload my chart?

That’s okay! We can work with any documentation that you bring, from the full, redacted SANE report, to a verbal reprocessing.