Faculty Evaluations & Assessments

Evaluation Overview

Faculty Evaluating Students:

Students Evaluating Faculty:

Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA)

Preceptors will complete at minimum 1 clinical skill assessments (CSA) for each of the medical students on their teaching team. These are student initiated. Students will pull up the CSA on their mobile device or laptop then the preceptor and the student will fill it out together. The student needs to sign into the website for the assessment to count for them.

CSA evaluations are completed in Qualtrics: training guides and instructions can be found below. The total CSA score will account for 60% of their final grade. The CSA items are on a 5-point scale, the grade averages are listed below.

The CSA evaluation requires MSPE comments to be submitted. If you can't do those comments at the time the evaluation is being filled out, please email them to Jeremy (Clerkship Administrator) at psychmed@umn.edu instead. The comments are incredibly important for the students applying to residency and helpful for them to see to continue to grow.

CSA Resources & Training Guides

Mid and Final CSA Instructions

Mid Clerkship CSA:

Students will reach out to their attending or resident to schedule a time to discuss mid-clerkship feedback. It is required that the preceptor walk through a CSA evaluation form with the student at this meeting. Preceptors are also free to discuss EPAs, RCEs, and conversational feedback for the student. 

Final Clerkship CSA:

Students will reach out to their attending to schedule a time to discuss final clerkship feedback. The student is required to walk through a CSA with the attending at this meeting. Attendings are also free to discuss EPAs, RCEs, and conversational feedback for the student. 

Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs)

In the 23-24 academic year, students will be assessed by preceptors on Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). Students are required to receive ratings an average of 3 EPAs per week during the rotation. This assessment is student-initiated and can be completed on the student's personal device (laptop, tablet or smartphone). EPA assessment will NOT be used to calculate student grades. 

Common EPAs that students in this clerkship will be assessed on: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13

Resources & Training Guides

Required Clinical Experiences (aka PETs)


Upon completion of the core required clerkships, all University of Minnesota Medical Students will have learned about a common set of conditions, procedures, and presenting symptoms that encompass high yield learning opportunities that any medical student, regardless of speciality, should experience and learn.

Students are expected to encounter a subset of these conditions, procedures, and presenting symptoms in each of the nine core, required rotations. Completion of these subsets is a requirement to pass each clerkship. 

Patients can be encountered and logged in any core clerkship and will count towards completion of the clerkship that ‘owns’ those particular RCE items.

4 Psychiatry Specific RCEs

Students must encounter at least 1 patient with the each of the below RCE conditions during this clerkship or fulfill this requirement via alternative experiences (e.g., simulation, case studies, etc.)

Implicit & Gender Bias in Assessment

Research has revealed evidence of implicit bias towards women and underrepresented minorities in medical student evaluations. As you are aware, the comments left in the narrative section of an evaluation are major determinant on whether a student is accepted into a residency program and can have an impact on the student's self esteem. In an effort to address and work to eliminate bias in student evaluations and in the learning environment as a whole, we ask that you convey meaningful, competency based feedback about the student. For more information, please reference the following resources:

Faculty Evaluations

In the 23-24 academic year, students will identify at least 1 preceptor in MedHub and fill out an evaluation about that preceptors. 

These evaluations will be grouped yearly and emailed out to site directors who will disseminate them.