Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Anti-Racism Statement

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences condemns racism, discrimination, and oppression in all forms. We affirm that racism and oppression are public health crises with serious mental health consequences for the communities we serve.

We commit to listen to and promote Black, Indigenous and people of color. We also commit to amplify their calls for change. We have work to do. We are part of a system that has allowed racial disparities in medical outcomes to persist for far too long. This June, each sector of our department will identify specific actionable goals that we will accomplish in the coming academic year (July 2021- July 2022).

Our work is guided by the following principles:

  • Amplify the voices of those most directly affected by racism and oppression to restore justice. Racism and oppression are not their responsibility to solve; the responsibility to dismantle racism falls on those who have benefited from it.

  • Ensure a just, equitable, and inclusive educational, clinical, and research environment. Our Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s mission statement and ongoing initiatives address diversity in all forms as the path to excellence in each of our mission areas.

  • Take all needed steps to identify and dismantle unjust and inequitable systems, as individuals and collectively. This includes systems of white supremacy, a political or socioeconomic system in which white people benefit from a structural advantage (privilege) over other ethnic groups, on both a collective and individual level, and other forms of oppression and discrimination within our medical school, our university, and society at large.

In line with these departmental principles, the UMN Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Education Council commits to the following actions:

  • Lead and engage in national conversations on racial justice and the dismantlement of systems of white supremacy in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences based on what we have learned by listening to Black, Indigenous, and people of color in Minnesota following the killing of George Floyd as a result of police brutality by former members of the Minneapolis Police Department. Additionally, we will author and post a statement naming George Floyd and summarizing these perspectives.

  • Affirm and broadcast our anti-racism statement and action steps on our websites, social media accounts, and other internal and external communications.

  • Implement the curriculum developed by the American Psychiatric Association Black Caucus, entitled, “Stress and Trauma Toolkit: for Treating Historically Marginalized Populations in a Changing Political and Social Environment” in Departmental graduate medical education programs.

  • Engage in proactive outreach, support, and mentorship of Black, Indigenous, and people of color, including current trainees, matched trainees and applicants engaged in the recruitment process.

  • Use the lens of diversity as a driving factor during recruitment and applicant ranking activities, utilizing best practices as outlined by the Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

Implicit & Gender Bias in Assessment

Research has revealed evidence of implicit bias towards women and underrepresented minorities in medical student evaluations. As you are aware, the comments left in the narrative section of an evaluation are major determinant on whether a student is accepted into a residency program and can have an impact on the student's self esteem. In an effort to address and work to eliminate bias in student evaluations and in the learning environment as a whole, we ask that you convey meaningful, competency based feedback about the student. For more information, please reference the following resources:

Incorporating Names & Pronouns

The recently approved Gender Equity and Access Policy impacts four areas of campus and academic life: names, gender identities, and pronouns; programs, activities, and facilities; data collection; and data privacy. The Incorporating Names & Pronouns Into Your Courses guide was developed in response to requests for instructional support resources. It is a concise list of practical strategies and resources for course design and daily classroom application.