Statistic Requirement Options

Refresher Statistics Options

Some students who have not taken recent statistics courses might choose to take a 5000-level statistics course prior to taking the more advanced courses in the program. Some advisors recommend taking a course in the summer before beginning the PhD program.

Some options for students wishing to take a refresher statistics course include:

EPSY 5261: Introductory Statistical Methods

PUBH 6414: Biostatistical Literacy

(Note, these courses are recommended as a refresher but do not meet the PhD statistics requirement if entering the program fall 2015 or later)

Statistics Requirement

There are two statistics course sequences that fulfill the PhD in Nursing statistics requirement. Students should consult with their advisor when selecting the course sequence as they may have recommendations based upon anticipate research topic. The following considerations may be helpful:

  • On-line or Face to Face (Some EPSY and PUBH courses are offered online)

  • Computing Platform (SAS, R, SPSS)

  • Focus (General, Behavioral, Bio-statistical)

  • Any requirements within a formal PhD minor that might be needed

Courses that meet the Nursing PhD statistics requirement:

PUBH 6450 and PUBH 6451 (Biostatistics I and II)

EPSY 8251 and EPSY 8252 (Statistical Methods in Education I and II)

Additional Statistics & Methods Course Options

The following courses are additional statistics and methods courses that could be taken to enhance your PhD In Nursing curriculum.

NURS 8195: Mixed Methods in the Social, Behavioral and Applied Health Sciences

PSY 5862: Measurement/Classical Test Theory

PSY 5865: Measurement/Item Response Theory

PUBH 6325: Data Processing with PC SAS

PUBH 6541: Statistics for Health Management Decision-Making

PUBH 6617: Practical methods for Secondary Data Analysis

PUBH 6810: Survey Research Methods

PUBH 7415: Introduction to Clinical Trials

PUBH 7420: Clinical Trials: Design, Implementation and Analysis

PUBH 7250: Designing and Conducting Focus Group Interviews

PUBH 7251: Data Analysis from Focus Groups

PUBH 7470: Statistical Methods for Translational and Clinical Research

PUBH 8235: Latent Variable Measurement Models and Path Analysis

PUBH 8462: Advanced Survival Analysis

EPSY 5245: Survey design, Sampling and Implementation

EPSY 5245: Advanced Survey Data Analysis

EPSY 8221: Psychological Scaling

EPSY 8222: Advanced Measurement: Theory and Application

EPSY 8264: Advanced Regression

EPSY 8265: Factor Analysis

EPSY 8266: Statistical Analysis Using Structural Equation Methods

EPSY 8267: Applied Multivariate Analysis

EPSY 8268: Hierarchical Linear Modeling in Educational Research

EPSY 8269 Matrix Algebra for Statistical Modeling

EPSY 8282: Statistical Analysis of Longitudinal Data

EPSY 8247 Advanced Interviewing and NVIVO

STAT 5421: Analysis of Categorical Data

STAT 5601 Nonparametric Methods

STAT 8051: Advanced Regression