One Vegetable, 

One Community

One Vegetable One Community (OVOC) strives to unite communities by encouraging gardeners to plant, grow, cook, and/or share a single vegetable.  The goal is to see the vegetable of the year growing in home gardens, community, and school gardens, containers on front porches or balconies, and in front of businesses, faith-based organizations, and government buildings.  OVOC starts a conversation in the community about food, nutrition, and how a community can support healthier choices.

Fostering Healthy Communities

One Vegetable, One Community can be adapted to fit your communities needs.  Projects that started in small communities have now grown to county levels to reach more people!

U of M Extension SNAP-Ed OVOC

One Vegetable, One Community started within Extension when SNAP-Ed awarded Community Partnership Grants to the NW Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships in 2016. 

Community Partners

Statewide Health Improvement Partnerships (SHIP)

Master Gardener's 

Local Chamber of Commerce

Local City Government


Community Gardens