2023-24 M.A./M.Ed. Handbook

This Handbook is designed to provide masters students in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (OLPD) information about graduate programs and procedures. The Handbook augments and is not a substitute for other sources of information. The information in this handbook and other University catalogs, publications, or announcements is subject to change without notice.

University offices can provide current information about possible changes.


A Master-level degree represents completion of graduate-level coursework and is conferred after the completion of all coursework and, typically, a capstone project. Degree requirements differ for Master of Education (M.Ed.) and Master of Arts (M.A.), although some courses may be the same in program areas for both degree pathways. All M.A. and M.Ed. students should consider themselves “Graduate Students”  in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development and are expected to take coursework at the 5000-level and above.

The Steps below provide a brief overview of the pathway to completion of M.A. and M.Ed. degrees. Further information is provided in the Detailed Overview of M.A. and M.Ed. Milestones and Policies section of this handbook.

Step 1: Taking Courses/Credits

Step 2: Plan A Master's Thesis / Plan B Master's Paper (M.A. Students Only)

Step 3: Completion of the Degree