Introduction to the issues

Introduction to the issues

High nitrates can be an issue in both surface and groundwater.

Nitrogen in surface water

Nitrates can impact the environment by contributing to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.

Nitrates in groundwater

High nitrates in groundwater can lead to "blue baby syndrome."

Key points

Nitrates in surface water

  • Hypoxia is natural, but often made worse from upstream nutrient loading. In the Gulf of Mexico, it adversely affects the shrimping industry.
  • The 2008 Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan found that in order to achieve a more "normal" sized hypoxic zone, surface water nitrate additions from 12 key states (including Minnesota) would need to be reduced by 45%. Minnesota has decided to take a stepwise approach by first trying to achieve a 20% reduction.
  • The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) deals with regulating non-point source pollution in the state.
  • The Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS) is a scientific report used to design plans to reduce non-point source pollution.

Nitrates in groundwater

  • Minnesota has taken a voluntary approach in protecting groundwater. The nitrogen Best Management Practices (BMPs) provide a set of practices that can help prevent groundwater contamination.
  • Methomoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) can be an issue when nitrates in drinking water exceed 10 ppm.