
To have your materials reviewed, email them to your career counselor as Word file attachments. Save your document using your name and document type (ex. Goldy Gopher Resume). 

In your email, include the application deadline and job posting, if applicable.  Your career counselor will return the document with tracked changes. 

See Red-Lined (Tracked) Changes - Usage Instructions.

If you need to update and resubmit your application materials for a job you applied for on symplicity, be sure to review these instructions.

Resume Resources

Requirements and Tips:

Percentiles/Class Rankings:


Did you know? 

Employers are increasingly using technology like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)  to help ease the workload of recruiters and hiring managers and find the right candidate. 

 Inc. reported that on average, a corporate job posting receives 250 applications. Of those 250 applicants, 4 to 6 will be contacted for an interview. The hiring manager/recruiter cannot possibly take the time to search through them all.   Read below for tips on navigating ATS and making sure your application makes it to human eyes.