1L Students 

Commonly Asked 1L Questions

How soon will I meet with my assigned Career Counselor?

Your career counselor is eager to meet you! During your law school orientation week, you will attend sessions hosted by our office as well as engage with the Career Center in several of the orientation activities. After orientation, you will receive instructions on how to use our online platform, Symplicity, and how to set up an appointment with your career counselor.  You can meet with your career counselor as soon as you have a profile set up on Symplicity.

When is the Career Center open? 

The Career Center is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 to 4:30pm. We remain open throughout your summer and winter breaks, and close on University holidays

To reach us, contact our general email address at lawcareers@umn.edu or email your career counselor directly.

Where do Minnesota Law students typically work during their 1L summer?

Our students work in a wide variety of settings throughout the country and internationally.  Our 1Ls secure positions in federal and state government agencies, with judges as judicial externs, as well as locally and nationally in public interest organizations, corporations, and law firms of all sizes and practice areas.  The skills you develop throughout your first year legal coursework will enable you to make a strong contribution as a summer legal intern.

What should I do now to prepare myself? 

It is no secret that you’ll be working hard throughout your first year of Law School.  This is the time to relax and enjoy your summer!  However, if you are eager to get started, take this time to familiarize yourself with our resources via our Career Center Google site.  Reach out to attorneys and law students you know and let them know you will be attending the University of Minnesota Law School.  This is a great way to keep your network informed of your next steps.