
Sample Preparation Steps

o Protein extraction

o Protein purification (acid precipitation, alcohol precipitation,

salting precipitation, immunoprecipitation, HPLC, etc)

o Protein concentration measurement (Bradford, BCA, Lowry, etc)

o SDS-PAGE electrophoresis

o In gel digestion

o In solution digestion

o Peptide labeling (iTRAQ, TMT, etc)

o Desalting with Stage-tips

Discovery Proteomics

o Protein identification (MS1 scanning followed by data-dependent MS2 fragmentation with HCD or CID)

o PTM identification (fragmentation with HCD, CID, or ETD)

o Global protein quantitation: label-free method, labelling method (iTRAQ, TMT, SILAC)

Targeted Proteomics

o Selection of peptides in Skyline

o Commercial synthesis of labeled peptides

o Method establishment and optimization (MRM on Quantiva, PRM on Fusion Lumos or Fusion)

Platforms for Data Acquisition

o Lumos

o Fusion

o Elite

o Velos

o Quantiva

Data Treatment

o Database searching (Proteome Discoverer, Maxquant, MSFragger, etc)

o Data analysis (Skyline for targeted quantitative analysis, Perseus for quantitation, SAS and SPSS for statistical analysis)

o Functional analysis (IPA, PANTHER, DAVID, STRING, Blast2go, etc)