Publication Information for Authors

Presenters of invited talks and posters are strongly encouraged to submit a paper for consideration for publication in the February 2020 issue of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. The length of contributed papers should be between four (4) and five (5) journal pages; invited papers should not be less than seven (7) pages and not exceed fifteen (15) journal pages.

Participation at the conference does not guarantee that a paper will be accepted for publication. All papers will be evaluated by two independent peer reviewers to determine suitability for publication.

All papers must be submitted for review and final submission online through the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Conferences) site, Manuscript Central (Link).

Submission of TMRC 2019 papers will be possible until 21st June 2019.

Instructions and helpful tools how to prepare your manuscript can be found here.

The abstract of the paper should be 1-2 pages long and follow the format provided on the TMRC 2019 website (attached). Accepted abstracts will be included in the TMRC Digest Book, and contributors are encouraged to submit a manuscript for publication in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics following peer review.