Fall Academic Pre-work

We know that MHA students come from a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds. As a result, we have gathered a variety of online resources that cover the skills you will need for your Fall courses as well as general healthcare knowledge. We strongly recommend that you become/are familiar with basic Excel functions and financial accounting principles in advance of classes starting in the fall.

The document below is a compilation of resources that students have found useful in the past. Please note that some of them are through LinkedIn Learning, which requires a subscription. However, if you have not used the platform in the past, you can start a 30 day free trial. You can view the document in a new tab here.

**TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENT: A PC is required for use in quantitative courses (Accounting, Statistics, Finance etc).  Macs lack some functionality for work in Excel and other applications.**

**STUDENT TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATION: Using an iPad, Apple Pen and either the Good Notes or Notability app for notetaking and organizing class materials.**

Pre-Work Fall 2023.docx

If you have any questions about the pre-work, please reach out to Kristin (chal0077@umn.edu).