Course Registration

During the first semester, you will take seven required MHA courses with your cohort. If you have any questions, reach out to Kristin (


Please register for the following courses by July 31 using this guide:

PubH 6525: Introduction to Population Health - A Health System

Class Number: 29028

PubH 6556: Health and Health Systems

Class Number: 28704

PubH 6526: Professional Development for Emerging Healthcare Leaders

Class Number: 29020

PubH 6542: Management of Health Care Organizations

Class Number: 29033

PubH 6541: Statistics for Health Management Decision Making

Class Number: 28700

PubH 6535: Managerial Accounting for Health Services

Class Number: 28943

PubH 6524: The Twin Cities Learning Laboratory

Class Number: 29021

View the Class of 2026 course and event Google calendar here. (NOTE: this calendar is still IP.)

MHA Curriculum

If you would like to look ahead, the MHA Curriculum Sheet outlines all of the required MHA courses and when you will take them.