GSSP Resources

GSSP is part of One Stop Student Services. GSSP provides service to graduate students, staff, and faculty.

If you have questions regarding troubleshooting, exceptions, clearance, or GPAS training needs, please contact for assistance.



(In person visits are not available at this time due to COVID-19)

333 Robert H. Bruininks Hall

222 Pleasant Street SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Services provided

Degree completion steps

Programs are often able to assist students with the degree progress questions. If further support is needed, students, faculty, and staff who have questions about their degree completion steps can also work with GSSP.

Examination Committees

When graduate students are ready to assign their committee, GSSP works with students to ensure alignment with policy. GSSP can also determine if the committee has been approved by a student’s program and entered into PeopleSoft.

Scheduling Doctoral Exams

GSSP works with programs and students to ensure an easy process for scheduling doctoral exams.

Thesis/Dissertation submissions and formatting

GSSP assists students who have questions about formatting their theses/dissertations, including questions regarding copyright, and submitting their Proquest. GSSP follows specific formatting and submission guidelines.

Troubleshooting Workflow Gen

GSSP helps troubleshoot and solve issues regarding the online submission system students use called Workflow Gen. Students use Workflow Gen for committee assignments, scheduling doctoral exams, submitting exam results, reviewing report forms, and adding minors (GPAS students).

Student Records

GSSP assists programs in troubleshooting student records, Leave Of Absences, time to degree updates, graduation date changes, and degree clearance.

Form submission

Many graduate student forms are routed through GSSP. GSSP helps students and programs determine which forms a student needs to submit and any issues related to those forms.

Graduate Education Policies

GSSP works with programs and students to interpret graduate policies, including credit requirements, transfer coursework, degree performance, and progress.

In-person meetings with new GPCs.

GSSP will meet with new GPCs to answer questions and provide new GPCs with an overview of how GSSP and GPCs work together to assist graduate students.

Graduate Planning and Audit System

Graduate Planning and Audit System (GPAS) allows graduate and professional students to plan future coursework and view their degree progress. Not all colleges currently use GPAS. Please refer to the implementation schedule on the GPAS website to determine if your college is using GPAS. GSSP can assist programs and students with navigating GPAS and troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

The GPAS website offers information on implementation timelines, resources, and graduate education roles list. The GPAS team can assist you with GPAS project and implementation, GPAS system functionality issues, and the Impact of PCAS updates in GPAS. If you need assistance from the GPAS team, contact them at

As a reminder, the GPAS website is a great resource for information including exceptions, transfer credit, the GPAS planner, understanding the GPAS audit, and more.

The GPAS Team is making good progress on the fall 2020 PCAS updates. We will not be able to complete all the updates prior to the fall term. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact