Blog Contributor Guidelines
Subject/Topic & Audience
The goal of the Future of the Past Lab is to reimagine the future of Ancient Studies in a way that helps create a more socially just discipline. One part of this effort is focused on the kind of work we do as scholars. We are interested in, for example, promoting interdisciplinarity across traditionally siloed fields in ways that include, but ultimately de-center Ancient Greece and Rome as well as traditional biblical studies. Likewise, we embrace a broad variety of approaches and methodologies. The other part is grappling with the ways systems of power embedded within the histories of our fields have favored particular dominant perspectives and how to alter our practice (both in our research and our pedagogy) in order to address them. We therefore welcome contributions that relate to these topics.
Some of the troubling issues that have historically accompanied the study of the ancient world are a product (at least in part) of the separation of scholars and the communities in which they are situated. With our blog, we want to reach across this boundary, and contributors should therefore assume a broad audience that includes readers from academic settings (scholars, educators, and students) as well as other readers who may be interested in antiquity. This is (from our perspective) less an issue of topic/subject, but rather a consideration of language. Submissions should avoid overly esoteric “jargon” and instead focus on making a clear, concise point.
Length & Format
Submissions should be written in English, be fairly short (around 1000 words) and:
Use endnotes (instead of footnotes)
Be double-spaced with one-inch margins
Use Times New Roman Font
Bibliographies should adhere to the guidelines provided in the Chicago Manual of Style. We encourage contributors to include images where helpful, but you must have permission for the use and publication of any image you wish to include. Hyperlinks should be used to reference relevant points of connection and should be included intext. We expect that submissions will be original (i.e., not published elsewhere prior or subsequently).
Once you have sent us your submission, it will be passed along to our editorial team, who will review the piece (you will receive a confirmation that we have received and pass along your piece). Once reviewed, you will be notified if the piece has been accepted (and – if accepted – if there are any revisions required before we proceed with publication).
Contact Info
Submissions should be submitted to In the subject line write: “Blog Submission” followed by your name.