Instructions for virtual (F)ASAL

**Please REGISTER for the conference to receive the Zoom links.**

We are very excited to be hosting (F)ASAL-11 virtually! This format will allow for the possibility that anyone who wishes to participate can easily do so. We are especially happy that this will allow participants from South Asia to be part of the meeting! If you would like to attend, please carefully read the instructions below so that we can ensure that all the main talks, lightning talks and poster session proceed smoothly.

All meeting and talk times in the program are given in CDT (Central Daylight Time/Minneapolis time). Check to see what that corresponds to in your city/country (here or here).

Instructions for talks in the special session and general sessions:

  • All presenters will have 20 minutes for delivering their talks followed by an additional 10 minutes of questions.

  • Since it is harder for session chairs to communicate notifications about time in online talks without interrupting speakers, please ensure that you keep your own time as well and adhere to the time limit in the interests of smooth transitions in our schedule.

  • All presenters will be requested to share their screen during their presentation to present their talk materials.

Instructions for poster presenters:

  • All poster presenters are invited to give 3-minute lighting talks prior to the poster session to outline the content of their posters. During this time they will be requested to share their screens to present their material.

  • The poster session will be two hours long, including the lightning talk session.

  • Poster presenters can choose whether to record a 3-minute video in advance to play during the lightning talk session or to give live 3-minute talks.

  • Right after the lightning talks, there will be breakout rooms to host the posters. Each poster will have a separate breakout room, and the audience will be able to choose which rooms they would like to visit to take part in the discussions.

General instructions for all audience members:

By now, all of us have some experience with online conferences already, and we are familiar with "zoom ethics". We reiterate some of them below:

  • All attendees can keep their videos on to maximize interaction and participation but everyone is requested to keep their audio settings on mute throughout the conference unless they are speaking or asking a question or participating in a social session.

  • If you want to ask the speaker a question, you can use raise your hand functionality on Zoom or send a chat message privately to the chair of that session. The chair will collect all the questioners and call on them in order. Please do NOT ask questions until the chair has called on you. Then you can unmute yourself and ask your question. You can also type your question into the chat if you want the chair to read it out.

  • We have designated the lunch breaks as social sessions as well to help simulate the lively interactions that characterize every FASAL meeting! Please feel free to eat your lunch (or other meals depending on your time zone) while joining in the social sessions. We envisage these times (and all the other breaks in the program) as opportunities for us to interact informally together as we would in the in-person conference. The zoom "room" will be open during the entire length of the conference to allow space for all formal and informal interactions.