Call for Papers

For the general session, abstracts are invited for talks (20-minute oral presentations with an additional 10 minutes for questions) and posters from researchers engaged in analyses and theory-informed description of any phonetic/phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic phenomena in South Asian languages, as well as theoretically informed field-based research, and experimental/psycholinguistic/neurolinguistic approaches to South Asian languages.

This year’s (F)ASAL meeting will additionally feature a special half-day session honoring the late Rahul Balusu, a South Asian linguist extraordinaire and a dear friend of the (F)ASAL community and the greater linguistics community. We envision that this special session will have talks (20-minute oral presentations with an additional 10 minutes for questions) and posters showcasing work that have been directly inspired by Rahul's work, and the work and people that he himself was inspired by. All of Rahul's linguistic works are encapsulated in this memorial website. Please submit abstracts for research that is related to and inspired/informed by any aspect of the topics, papers, research questions in Rahul's body of work.

Abstracts must be anonymous. All abstracts, including data, are limited to two single-spaced pages (A4 or US Letter) with 1-inch (2.5cm) margins and a minimum font size of 11pt in the Times New Roman font. Only references and/or large graphs, tables, pictures, and figures can be on a third page. The third page should have no other text. Data should be interspersed throughout the abstract. These guidelines apply to both the general sessions and the special session. Violation of these guidelines will lead to automatic rejection of abstracts. Authors may be involved in at most two abstracts and may be the sole author of at most one abstract for the entire conference. Please indicate if your submission(s) are for the special session or the general sessions during submission on Easychair.

(F)ASAL-11 will feature poster sessions in both the general and special sessions. Poster presentations will be published as regular papers in the proceedings. Poster presenters will be asked to give a short lightning round presentation prior to the poster session.

Submission details:

Extended Abstract deadline: Sunday, December 20, 2020, 11:59pm (Central Time, USA)

Notification: early February 2021

Easychair submission link:

View our CFP on Easychair.