Publications for CSE Faculty Pages

College of Science & Engineering
Publications for Faculty Pages

CSE's Drupal-based sites use the Experts Website Widget to show an up-to-date list of recent publications for each faculty member. Publications are grouped by publication year.

Adding a list of publications by an individual doesn't require any special work in Experts@Minnesota. You'll just need to know the ID that Experts uses to identify the person. It isn't their Internet ID or their Employee ID, but you can use either of those in addition to their name to find it with our Person Lookup. We have a tool for Organization Lookup as well.

Code embedded above:

<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">


author: "ecc7b1bf-bc12-4723-ad4b-727c53a722a9", // Author's Pure/Experts@MN id

highlightedOnly: false, // Optional: only show highlighted publications

group: "publicationYear", // Optional: group by publication year

size: 20 // Optional: limit the number of results




.publication {

color: #333 !important;

font-family: "Open Sans",sans-serif !important;

font-size: 18px !important;

line-height: 27px !important;

margin: 20 !important;

