Lab Updates & Photos


July 2023

Bryce, Alyssa, and Tori joined LSSURP student Vanessa for the annual LSSURP picnic at Como Park.

August 2023

Vanessa did a terrific job preparing and presenting her summer project at the Poster Symposium.

May 2023

We are sad to wish our amazing lab mate Jess Faragher farewell as she transitions to an MD/PhD program at the University of South Dakota. We'll miss her, but are so proud of her and excited to see her succeed in the next stage of her journey!

Tori attended the Vascular Discovery Conference hosted by ATVB/PVD in May and was a finalist for the Investigator-in-Training award!

April 2023

Lots of exciting news in April! Jess's paper titled "Autoimmune Valvular Carditis Requires Endothelial Cell TNFR1 Expression" was published in ATVB AND we welcomed MICaB graduate student Charlie Roll to the team.


October 2022

Jess and Tori joined the Freedman lab for some fall views at Jay Cooke State Park after the 2022 CFI Retreat in Duluth, MN.

September 2022

Congratulations to Tori! She received the 2022 UMN Postdoc Award for Service to the Academic Committee.

August 2022

Alyssa presented her work at the UMN's 13th annual Cardiopalooza

Senali presented his work at the summer students' Poster Symposium 

August 2022

Jess, Nathan, and the rest of the gang enjoyed some sun during a recent happy hour at Malcolm Yards.

August 2022

Tori's NIH NRSA F32 application was funded to support her next year of postdoctoral work

July 2022

Jess presented her latest work on endothelial cells in autoimmune valvular carditis at Vasculata 2022 in Durham, NC

June 2022

Our team welcomed LSSURP student Senali Dansou to the lab for the summer. It's been a pleasure working with him!

January & August 2022

Tori presented some of her work (in collaboration with Amritha Yellamilli) on lymphatic outgrowth in inflamed mitral valves to the NAVBO community during one of their InFocus Sessions in January. Jess was also invited to present her work from Vasculata during an InFocus session in August!


Summer 2021

MSTP student Sarah Zaghouani (right) and LSSURP student Tayla Chiang (left) joined us for the summer (Sarah did her first rotation with us and Tayla participated in the LSSURP)

We had a blast supporting Tayla during her LSSURP poster presentation at the end of her internship.

Congratulations to Bryce!

He was awarded The American College of Rheumatology's 2021 Distinction for Excellence in Investigative Mentoring AND named the Director of the Pediatric Rheumatology division in the Department of Pediatrics.


May 2019

Lee Meier, with a newly earned PhD, enjoys a slice of cake following his thesis defense!

A blast from the past!

Halloween 2007

Sindhuja, Bryce, and Jenn dressed up for Halloween

Birthday party for Bryce!

(Stevie, Jenn, Bryce, and Sindhuja)

Bryce as an antibody (showing off his antibody tie birthday present)