
Bring it back report

Members attending county, regional, state or national events can receive reimbursement for their registration.

  1. Complete the Bring it back contract prior to attending the event.

  2. Complete the Bring it back presentation form within 2 months of attending the event.

To qualify for a reimbursement you must be a member of good standing.

  • A member will be an active member by attending a minimum of 5 local or county wide meetings. Social events without a business meeting or educational benefit will not be counted.

  • Support our Federation programs by taking part in our Federation fundraisers. Which include, but are not limited to the 4-H food stand or fruit/puffin sales.

  • Complete and turn in a 4-H participation record to their club leaders by the due date posted by the club.

By being a member of “Good Standing” entitles the member to receive:

  • Compensation to county, regional, state, and national 4-H sponsored events. Our Federation compensates members by covering up to ½ of the early bird registration fees for events. These include but are not limited to: Shetek Overnight Camp, BLU & YELLO Retreat, and Citizen Washington Focus.

  • Members attending regional and state events are asked to fill out a ‘Bring it Back contract’ to their clubs, and youth leaders are asked to report back to the next scheduled Federation meeting with the ‘Bring it Back presentation form’.

  • Federation will pay for State Fair registration fee; furnish busing to and from the state fairgrounds, and livestock transportation for members in “Good Standing”. Members in “Good Standing” also receive a pass to the Watonwan County Fair.

  • Member NOT in good standing will be required to pay the Federation the current state fair registration fee, and if so chooses to use county transportation; $20 for busing, and $20 for livestock truck. And will not be eligible for financial aid for other regional and State sponsored events