
A note on semesters:

Course Co-coordinator (University of Michigan)

As a course co-coordinator, I work with a lecturer to write and revise group homework assignments and exams for all 20+ students taking Math 115 in Spring 2024, and all 700+ students that took Math 116 in Winter 2024.  I also perform certain administrative duties, such as: constructing schedules for content coverage, observing new instructors, drafting solutions and grading rubrics for exams, and on-call substitute teaching as needed.  Below are the exams and group homework assignments that I helped write as a course co-coordinator.

Math 115 Spring 2024 Exams

Math 115 Spring 2024 Exams:

Math 116 Winter 2024 Exams

Math 116 Winter 2024 Exams:

Math 116 Winter 2024 Team Homework

Math 116 Winter 2024 Team Homework:

Graduate Student Instructor (University of Michigan)

As a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI), I teach one section of about 20 students, three days a week.  I am responsible for presenting lectures, facilitating group discussion in an inquiry-based learning style, holding office hours, writing and grading quizzes, and grading certain homework assignments and exams.  Although not required, I also write my own worksheets to use for my students.  I am listed as the instructor of record for my class, and I am supervised by course coordinators who determine the structure of the course and write homework assignments and exams.  Here are webpages for Math 115 and Math 116, created by the course coordinators, which contain course information and past exams.

Tutor II (University of Michigan)

As a Tutor II, I held a study group for graduate students to help them prepare for the Real Analysis and Complex Analysis Qualifying Review (QR) Exam, two hours a week for six weeks.  I compiled lists of problems from past QR exams, organized them by subject material, and wrote solutions for the problems.  I sent these lists to students weekly, and the following week, we would meet up to discuss the problems.

Lab Instructor (University of Michigan)

As a Lab Instructor, I led four weekly lab sections of about 20 students each.  I was responsible for helping students with lab assignments that used MATLAB, holding office hours, and grading certain assignments and exams.  My role here was a teaching assistant rather than an instructor of record; I worked with lecturers who taught the material to students, and I was supervised by course coordinators who determined the structure of the course and wrote assignments and exams.  Here is an old webpage for Math 215, created by the course coordinators, which contains course information.  Past exams for Math 215 can be found at this link: Math 215 Past Exams.  

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (University of Minnesota)

As an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA), I monitored group discussion for two sections of about 10 students each, two days a week.  I was responsible for facilitating group discussion, holding office hours, and grading certain homework assignments and exams.  I was supervised by faculty instructors who introduced the class and wrote homework assignments and exams.  These positions were held entirely online.

Tutor (University of Minnesota)

As a Peer Tutor at the Tutoring & Academic Success Center (formerly the SMART Learning Commons), I helped undergraduate students with various college courses (usually mathematics, computer science, and physics).  I typically met with students for drop-in tutoring, either one-on-one or in groups.  Tutoring was conducted in-person from Spring 2018 to Spring 2020, and online from Spring 2020 to Spring 2021.  Through training, I fulfilled the College Reading & Learning Association's International Tutor Training Program Certification requirements for becoming a Level III Certified Master Tutor.

I also served as a Peer Tutor Mentor, where I observed and mentored new Peer Tutors.  I was responsible for organizing one 60-minute staff meeting per semester for ongoing Peer Tutor training.  I was also responsible for providing tutoring information to students who needed assistance in their courses.

Course Grader (University of Minnesota)

As a Course Grader, I graded homework assignments (for Math 4242 and 5651) and quizzes (for Math 1271) for course sections of about 20-35 students each.  I was responsible for adhering to a grading rubric provided by the instructors who wrote the assignments and quizzes.