Zach Deiman's Personal Homepage

About Me

My name is Zachary Deiman; I usually prefer to be called "Zach."  My preferred pronouns are he/him/his.

I am a rising fourth-year Mathematics Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor.  Here, I received an embedded Master of Science in Mathematics.

I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.  From there, I received a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, with two minors in Computer Science and Astrophysics.

My mathematical interests broadly include analysis.  In past projects, I enjoyed using theoretic methods to study partial differential equations.  I also enjoy casually learning about complex analysis and algebraic topology.  Overall, I am still exploring my specific research interests.

Here is my Curriculum Vitae (updated January 2024).  My email is  


(9.29.21) Here, I am teaching second derivatives and concavity to my students in Math 115: Calculus I.

(10.1.21) Here, I am standing in the field of Michigan Stadium ("The Big House") while on a tour of the stadium with my colleagues.

(11.14.21) Here, I am standing in front of Mason Hall at the University of Michigan.

(3.17.22) Here, I am enjoying a wonderful day on campus with my good friends Joe Huang and Shivani Prabala.

(9.2.22) Here, I am with my colleagues at the Second Annual Math Grad Ping Pong Tournament, hosted by Bernardo Bianco Prado.

(5.21.23) Here, I am kayaking with my colleagues in the Huron River near Gallup Park, as part of Huron River Day.

(5.23.23) Here, I am enjoying the sunset and the Pacific Ocean on the coast of San Francisco, California.

(8.20.23) Here, I am standing in the Skydeck on the 103rd floor of Willis Tower in Chicago, Illinois.

(9.1.23) Here, I am with my colleagues at the Third Annual Math Grad Ping Pong Tournament, hosted by myself!

(10.13.23) Here, I am at the top of the Empire State Building in New York City.

(10.31.23) Here, I am eating at the Slurping Turtle with my analysis friends at the first Student Analysis Seminar Dinner!

(5.2.24) Here, I am playing tennis against Yuchuan Yang at Burns Park; thanks to Jasper Liang for taking this picture!