Xinyu Liang




Research Projects

Paper Under Review

Xinyu Liang, Jun Li, Ravi Anupindi

Under 2nd Round Review, Management Science

Xinyu Liang, Iris Y. Wang, Jun Li

Under 3rd Round Review, Production and Operations Management

Xinyu Liang, Ziwei Zhu, Kassem Faraj, Vahakn Shahinian, Brent Hollenbeck, Lindsey Herrel

Under 1st Round Review, Cancer

Work in Progress

Conferences and Talks

“Brand-name versus Generic Drugs: An Empirical Study on Health Outcomes of Generic Lipitor Usage”

“Examining Behavioral Biases in Discretionary Pricing: Evidence from Field and Lab Experiments”

“How Payment Models Shape Physicians' Prescribing Behaviors: Evidence from the Oncology Care Model”

“Trade Credit and Horizontal Competition”