Waive the Workup: Reducing Low-Value Pre-Operative Testing

An initiative to reduce unnecessary preoperative testing across Michigan led by MSQC, in partnership with MPrOVE and MVC

Why is preoperative testing overuse a problem?


Preoperative testing overuse has been extensively evaluated and found to have negative outcomes such as:

Statewide Across Michigan:

This has led to multiple academic societies recommending against preoperative testing for low-risk procedures.  Despite these recommendations, this testing continues to persist.

Efforts to Reduce Preoperative Testing:

The Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative (MSQC) has launched a quality improvement project to address overuse of preoperative testing for low-risk surgeries. 

Click the "Learn More" button and look for "Option C: Appropriate Preoperative Screening for Low-Risk Surgeries Pilot Project."

 Strategies to de-implement preoperative testing

Shown below are examples of specific intervention strategies that target the root of unnecessary preoperative testing.  Best practice for deploying these strategies includes establishing a multidisciplinary team to review and adapt these strategies for your specific site. Teams might include surgeons, anesthesiologists, and the preoperative clinic (if applicable).

Primary Strategies with Resources:

Guidelines & Provider Resources

Preoperative testing recommendations for specific low-risk surgeries, complete with a decision aid when evaluating patients. 


Preoperative testing has been widely documented as unnecessary for low-risk surgeries. Review the research and commonly mismatched conceptions about this realm of testing.   

Secondary Strategies:

Audit & Feedback

Data and clinical feedback are valuable tools in the improvement process. 

Example of how to implement at your site:

Clinical Decision Support

Creating enhancements to the EMR that streamlines accurate test ordering can reduce unnecessary tests. 

Example of how to implement at your site: