Decision Aid

The materials below are an example of one institution's recommendations with input from their surgery, anesthesiology, and preoperative clinic team. You are encouraged to review these documents with your local institution and adapt these guidelines and suggestions as your institution sees fit. 

 Disclaimer: All recommendations on this page pertain to non-pregnant, adult patients undergoing low-risk procedures. They do not replace clinical judgment and are intended as guidance only. The criteria that were used to define low-risk surgery can be found here

Preoperative Testing Decision Aid for Low-Risk Surgeries

*+**: See supplemental material below.

Suggested Pre-Op Test Chart

Editable Version:

View these documents in a separate window by clicking on the icon in the top right corner. To edit, save a version to your computer, add your institution's logo, and edit any language as your team sees fit.

Preop Testing Decision Aid_Statewide_Final_Version 1.2.docx

Supplemental Material:
