Vilma Mesa

My overarching research goal is to understand instruction and in particular how instructors, students, and instructional resources interact in order to create opportunities for students to learn mathematics in post-secondary education settings. My work is located at the intersection of three fields of scholarly inquiry: undergraduate mathematics education, mathematics education writ large, and higher education. I have studied two major areas: instruction—examining mathematics instruction in community colleges and other post-secondary settings—and instructional resources, primarily through the analysis of textbook content and textbook use.

I provide support for instructors in U-M's Math Department who are using Inquiry-Base Learning in their courses.

I have pursued investigations of students' retention in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics programs, in particular concerning instruction and curriculum. I have been involved in several evaluation projects with various departments and schools at the university of Michigan: the Douglass Houghton Scholars Program, the Inquiry Based Learning Project, and the Applied Honors Calculus sequence.

I am currently serving as Associate Editor for Educational Studies in Mathematics, in the Mathematical Association of America's Committee on Curriculum Renewal Across the First Two Years, and in the Education Committee of the Association of Women in Mathematics.

I teach in the introductory calculus program and graduate courses on educational research and assessment.

Contact Information:

School of Education

Room 3119, University of Michigan

610 East University, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1259

Tel: (734) 647 0628 Fax: (734) 936 1606 Email:

Orcid: 0000-0003-0460-1850