Past Events

We have a good time.

Career Panel

Panelists from the Michigan Geologic Survey, NOAA, and the Detroit Salt Company came to NUB on March 28th to talk to students about how to apply and search for jobs.

Internation Students Week 2024

Multicultural Potluck

Zehender's Snowfest 2024

Earth Festivus 2023

Halloween Pumpkin Painting 2023

1st place

1st place

2nd place

3rd place

Grad Retreat and Undergrad Camping Trip 2023

Left) Grad retreat @ Beulah, MI. 

(Right) Ugrad camping trip @ Tahquamenon Falls

Kayaking and Hiking - Summer 2023

(Left) Kayaking pictures

(Right) Hiking @ Barton Pond

Spring Banquet 2023

Zehnder's Snowfest 2023

GeoClub members ventured north to Frankenmuth for one of the top snow and ice sculpting events in North America, Zehnder's Snowfest. Highlights included the State of Michigan Snow Sculpting Competition, 100-Block Ice Carving Exhibition, and more! Photos from the trip are included below. 

Grad Retreat and Undergrad Camping Trip 2022

(Left) Grad retreat @ Frankfort, MI. 

(Right) Ugrad camping trip @ Cuyahoga Valley National Park, OH

Halloween Pumpkin Painting 2022

We painted some horrifyingly good pumpkins! On the right, we have the winners, Sabrina Lanker and Sydney Libbing.

Scavenger Hunt, Bowling, and Fall Picnic 2022

Grad Retreat 2021!

Grad retreat @ Beulah, MI. A few of us braved the freezing October waters and jumped into the lake!

Sleeping Bear Dunes 2018!

A small group of GeoClubbers camped near Sleeping Bear Dunes over the weekend in September. They went petoskey stone-collecting on the beach, dune climbing, and hiking, and saw some moraines and glacial lakes - as well as classic Lake Michigan sunsets.

GeoClub trivia night, Fall 2018

Our trivia night was a smash! Billy and Nik dredged the depths of Wikipedia to create two hours of mind-crunching questions. Two teams came out on top: the paleontologists must have really boned up on their random facts, and Amadeus (named for our President's new pup!) squeaked into second with some killer geography chops. Featuring La Croix and tiny trophies.

Spring Banquet 2018