2024 Annual Symposium

Save the Date- Please RSVP!

The Frankel CVC’s Cardiovascular Research Network (CRN) program invites you to attend our First Annual Scientific Symposium on Monday September 23, 2024 at Palmer Commons! 

Please click on the image to RSVP! 

CRN Annual Awards - Currently Accepting Nominations!

The Cardiovascular Research Network (CRN) wants to acknowledge and highlight some of the members of our research community and the work that they are doing. This is your opportunity to recognize the outstanding work and achievements within our Cardiovascular Research Community. Winners will be announced at our annual symposium. 

Nominations are open to everyone. Please click here or the image and complete the following form to submit a nomination. 

Deadline: Submissions are due July 31, 2024 at 11:59 pm 

CRN Call for Posters - Currently Accepting Submissions!

CRN will host an awarded poster session during this event, and we encourage you to submit a poster abstract related to your work in cardiovascular research! New research posters and posters that have been presented within the past two years will be accepted.

Please click here or the image to submit your abstract. 

Deadline: Abstract Submissions are due August 2, 2024 at 11:59 pm.