Voice III

THTREMUS 292 - Voice III | Character, Range, & Emotional Access

(Canvas link)

Course Description

For the advanced student who has successfully completed Voice I and II.  Designed to expand and refine student's flexibility, range, and sensitivity.

Proposed update: Expands and refines the student’s individual flexibility, range, and sensitivity to experiencing voice while stimulating vocal imagination. May include advanced topics in voice and speech including character voice creation, voice use in heightened emotional states, musical vocal expression, and high-intensity vocal gestures such as combat sounds and screaming.


TTh 3:30pm - 5:30pm
WDC Towsley Studio (most dates)
WDC B222 (August 29 & 31)

Student Learning Objectives

Through active engagement with this course, you can learn to:

Texts & Materials Needed

I will distribute any additional performance texts, handouts, readings, videos, etc. in class or via Canvas.

Course Content

This course builds a number of advanced vocal skills, culminating in an end-of-term creative project called a "Mayhem Monologue".

Major Assignments

Community Standards

Community agreements are different from rules in that they are community-focused, aspirational, non-hierarchical, and adaptable. I'll start by offering the following community norms and we will decide as a group if we need additional agreements to support everyone's learning:

 Additions and Edits 2023-2024:

Tentative Schedule

(Assignment descriptions are linked in the spreadsheet header.)