Voice I

THTREMUS 192 - Voice I  | Practice, Physicality, & Identity

(Canvas link)

Catalog Description

Course designed to help the would-be performer begin to discover and develop the vocal instrument.

Proposed update: Introduces techniques for increasing vocal ease and expressivity, with an emphasis on cultivating free and spontaneous breath impulse. Introduces the range of human speech sounds experientially, as a prelude to detailed phonetics and accent work. Provides a framework for developing a personal practice of voice and speech.


MWF 10:30am - 12:00pm
WDC Newman Studio

Student Learning Objectives

Through active engagement with this course, you can learn to:

Texts & Materials Needed

I will distribute any additional performance texts, handouts, readings, videos, etc. in class or via Canvas.

Course Content

Most days will start with a physical/vocal warmup. We will build on this warmup over the course of several weeks, and at the end of the term you will make it your own by teaching a class session as part of a small team.

You may be wondering, "Why is there a class about talking? I've been talking since I was a small child!" That's a fair question! Most of us use only a fraction of our expressive vocal potential, and our voices tend to reflect the personae we want the world to see. As actors, it's useful to expand our vocal capabilities and experiment with our vocal identities.

The course will explore themes such as:

A common misconception about voice/speech training is that it is intended to "fix" your "problems". I promise you, this training is designed to expand on your current vocal identities and the expressive brilliance you already bring into the room. It's not about erasing you in any way. You will be in charge of any transformation or growth you choose to undertake. I am simply here to help you with that project. Your voice is already welcome here.

Major Assignments

Community Standards

Community agreements are different from rules in that they are community-focused, aspirational, non-hierarchical, and adaptable. I'll start by offering the following community norms and we will decide as a group if we need additional agreements to support everyone's learning:

 Additions and Edits 2023-2024:

Tentative Schedule

(Assignment descriptions are linked in the spreadsheet header.)