Evictions Research

Together with a community partner, Elizabeth Benton from the Michigan Advocacy Project, I co-led the first major study of evictions in Michigan. Drawing on statewide case filing records and in-court case research in Washtenaw and Lenawee counties, our research documented the prevalence, locations, and other aspects of eviction. The project resulted in a policy brief and report, released on May 20, 2020, and an online map and scholarly article.

Looking for Data?

Updated Report (2021)

We published a one-year update of our report in June 2021, summarizing policy changes during the pandemic, reviewing statewide eviction data, and proposing further recommendations.

Press Release: "Michigan eviction filings dropped 65% in 2020, compared to pre-pandemic"

Full Report: Reducing Michigan Evictions: The Pandemic and Beyond

Original Report (2020)

Press Release: "Eviction case filed for 1 in 6 rental units in Michigan, UM study finds"

In June 2020, we published an online map of our statewide tract-level eviction filing data.

Scholarly article (2021)

In February 2021, a scholarly article from this project was published:

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