Get Involved
As law students, we know the importance of free and fair elections. Our legal training makes us particularly helpful to efforts seeking to maintain them. There are lots of ways that law students can get involved in the election process by volunteering before, on, and after election day. Below are some options.
Virtual volunteering options
Volunteer to remotely staff a nonpartisan election protection hotline
866-OUR-VOTE is a national nonpartisan hotline administered by the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. Hotline volunteers respond to calls and texts about voting and the election by answering questions, addressing any issues or concerns reported by the caller, and documenting each call. The hotline is live from October 1 through November 5. Volunteers complete two trainings prior to their shift. Sign up here.
In-Person volunteering options
Volunteer to be a poll worker
Poll workers are paid and trained by the government to assist with running local elections by opening and closing polling locations/early voting sites, checking in voters, issuing ballots, and processing ballots. This opportunity is only available to those registered to vote in Michigan. Sign up here.
Volunteer to be a nonpartisan election challenger
Nonpartisan election challengers monitor the election process at polling locations, early voting sites, and absent voter counting boards. Challengers raise an official challenge when they believe that a poll worker is not following the law. This opportunity is only available to those registered to vote in Michigan, and requires special training. MVP will be hosting an in-person training on October 16. Sign up here.
Volunteer to be a nonpartisan poll watcher
Nonpartisan poll watchers monitor the election process at polling places, early voting sites, and absentee counting boards. Unlike election challengers, they do not have the right to challenge poll worker actions. Sign up here.
Volunteer to be a nonpartisan canvass monitor
Nonpartisan canvass monitors observe a Board of County Canvassers’ meeting to ensure that the canvass and certification process proceeds smoothly and that the results are certified in accordance with the law. Sign up here.