About Us

Mission:  Supported by a program-project grant from AHRQ and PCORI, MEL-STaR will support the didactic and experiential training of 40 Learning Health System (LHS) scientists, to be known as “MEL-STaR Scholars”. Faculty, clinical fellows, advanced residents, and senior staff holding doctoral degrees are eligible to be MEL-STaR Scholars. The program is based in the Department of Learning Health Sciences.  


The training experience will prepare the scholars for careers to improve individual and population health by employing methods that combine identification of gaps in care, data analytics, generation of new knowledge, and implementation of knowledge into practice. MEL-STaR scholars will be embedded in the settings where improvement is needed and their work will be grounded in fundamental principles of patient centeredness and health equity.  The fields of informatics and implementation science are cornerstones of the work of MEL-STaR Scholars. 



About the Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) Graduate Degree Curriculum: 

