Welcome to the Anatomy week of Applied Sciences within the Surgery Clerkship! The Anatomy faculty are excited to work with you all again as you continue your medical education. In this course, you will learn foundational anatomy of the head and neck and reinforce anatomy of the trunk and limbs through the laboratory. Anatomy will be correlated to common pathologies and clinical presentations. The icons at the bottom of this page will link you to the material and pages you need for this course.


See the schedule spreadsheet to the right for specifics about the schedule in the week that you are taking M2 anatomy. Below is a description of the overall course expectations each week.
  1. Review prelab head & neck videos and complete quizzes on Canvas. Review lab guides before each lab session

  2. Attend 3 Lab Sessions (half of each lab is reinforcement of M1 anatomy through observation and half introduction to head & neck anatomy through dissection)

  3. Review Clinical Anatomy Cases before attending the discussion session

  4. Attend & Participate in Case Discussions

  5. Review the List of Structures with Learning Objectives from all sessions and your notes to prepare for the final assessment

  6. Take the Final Assessment (MCQ assessment on Canvas)

Periods 10-12 Anatomy Schedule
Session Materials:preparation and study for each session
Opens Zoom Meeting (password and full invitation on Canvas page)
Course Expectations:Lab, Discussion, & Grading
Links to final assessment on Canvas Quizzes
Drafts an email to m2anatomy@umich.edu
Links to main page of M1 Anatomy on Bluelink
Links to main page of DENT 545 on Bluelink (A full head & neck anatomy course that goes into more detail than you are responsible for in M2 Anatomy)