M2 Anatomy is a one week course within your Surgery and Applied Sciences Rotation. Within this course, concepts from your M1 foundational anatomy will be reinforced and new concepts of head and neck anatomy will be introduced. You will attend 3 half days in the anatomy laboratory and one 2-hour discussion session (either in lab or on Zoom - check the schedule). Below are our expectations from you in this course.

Lab Sessions

Maintain a respectful and encouraging learning environment in the lab

  • Meet with anatomy faculty in the Lab 5 (3751 Med Sci II) at 1 pm (or 9 am) on your lab days

  • Review material and lab instructions before coming to lab

  • Be on time for the beginning of each lab (communicate with faculty if otherwise)

  • Honor the gift from each anatomical donor by being respectful in how you handle donors and the language you use in the lab

  • Make an effort to find every structure on the list

  • Keep your lab space tidy (complete cleaning checklist before leaving each day)

  • Wear appropriate lab clothing (e.g. scrubs, close-toed shoes, etc.) & PPE (mask). Disposable gowns, eye protection, and additional masks will be provided in the lab.

Discussion Sessions

Promote a collaborative and effective learning environment in the discussion session

  • Review cases before attending the online session

  • Be on time for the beginning of the session (communicate with faculty if otherwise)

  • Come prepared and participate in the discussion

  • If your session is set up over Zoom:

      • Attend the call from a quiet location where your primary focus is participating in discussion

          • Do not call while driving, walking, or performing other activities

      • When possible, turn your camera on and unmute your audio


Your final grade in the course will be determined by your efforts on the following:

  • Prelab video quizzes (you can take these as many times as you'd like and the highest grade will be displayed)

  • Preparation and participation for the Lab & Discussion sessions

  • Performance on the final assessment

      • 30 Questions: 20 written multiple choice questions + 10 identification questions with images

      • 60 minute time limit, open resource, 3 attempts

      • Only introduced concepts (head & neck anatomy) will be assessed

Based on the expectations within the surgery clerkship, most students will receive a 6.

  • While APS is pass/fail, surgery receives a narrative assessment, grades 1-9, and pass/fail from anatomy. To pass, you are required to:

      • Complete all prelab quizzes

      • Attend (or remediate) the Lab & Discussion sessions

      • Score >25 points (out of 30) on the final assessment