Data & results

On this page, you will find a summary of some of our findings, a link to select quantitative results, quotes from the open-ended survey questions, notes on methodology, and a full list of the survey questions

Summary of findings

In line with previous research on harassment in academia (e.g., Clancy et al. 2017), we find that self-identified white men report experiencing bias incidents at the lowest rate, compared to white women, non-white women and men, and white and non-white folks who self-identified as non-binary, trans, or in some other way.

Experience of harassment and rate of witnessing bias incidents is not uniformly distributed, with those occupying more marginalized social identities being more likely to witness and experience bias incidents than others.

Participants who experienced bias incidents reported frustration over the lack of action, both by institutions and by witnesses to the incidents.

csv of (fully anonymized) data -- to come

Results from R-Ladies San Diego Hackathon