
Info for students is on Canvas.  

Summer 2024:  UM-Dearborn REU 2024.  We investigated toric surface codes and period 1 polytopes.

Summer 2024: Calculus I: Math 115-101 (115 Su24 Syllabus)

Winter 2024: Linear Algebra: Math 227-003 (227 W24 Syllabus) and Introduction to Modern Algebra: Math 412-001 (412 W24 Syllabus)

Fall 2023:  Calculus I: Math 115-005 (115 F23 Syllabus), Calculus I Studio: Math 1151-001 (1151 F23 Syllabus) and Survey of Geometry: Math 331-001 (331 F23 Syllabus)

Winter 2023:  Calculus I: Math 115-001 (115 W23 Syllabus) and Introduction to Modern Algebra: Math 412-001

Fall 2022: Calculus I: Math 115-004 and 005 and Mathematical Language & Proof: Math 300-001 (300 F22 Syllabus)

Winter 2021:  None - Provost Faculty Fellow

Fall 2021:  Survey of Geometry: Math 331-001

Summer 2021: UM-Dearborn REU 2021 .We investigated "good" infinite families of toric codes.

Winter 2021:  Calculus I: Math 115-001 and Linear Algebra: Math 227-002

Fall 2020:  Calculus I: Math 115-003 and 008 and Elementary Number Theory: Math 395-001 

Summer II 2020: Calculus I: Math 115-201

UM-Dearborn REU 2020:  We investigated codes coming from toric 3-folds

Winter 2020: Calculus I: Math 115-006, Linear Algebra: Math 227-001 and Modern Algebra: Math 412/512-001

Fall 2019:  None - on sabbatical

UM-Dearborn REU 2019We investigated codes coming from toric surfaces

Summer I 2019: Calculus I: Math 115-101

Winter 2019: Calculus I: Math 115-003 and Modern Algebra: Math 412/512-001

Fall 2018: Calculus I: Math 115-009, Calculus II:  Math 116-003, and Elementary Number Theory: Math 395-001 

Summer II 2018: Calculus I: Math 115-201

Winter 2018: Calculus I: Math 115-006, and Modern Algebra: Math 412/512-001

Fall 2017: Calculus I: Math 115-004 and Math 115-007, and Survey of Geometry: Math 331-001

Summer II 2017: Calculus I: Math 115-201

Winter 2017: Calculus II: Math 116-003, and Elementary Number Theory: Math 395-001 

Fall 2016: Calculus I: Math 115-004 and Math 115-006, and Survey of Geometry: Math 331-001

Spring 2016: Calculus I: Math 115-101 

Winter 2016:  Introduction to Linear Algebra: Math 227-001 and Modern Algebra: Math 412/512-001 

Fall 2015:  Calculus I for Biological & Life Sciences:  Math 113-004, Calculus I: Math 115-006, and Survey of Geometry: Math 331-001

Winter 2015: Calculus I:  Math 115-009, and Modern Algebra: Math 412/512-001

Fall 2014: Calculus I: Mgt, Life and Soc Sci:  Math 113-004, and Introduction to Linear Algebra: Math 227-002

Winter 2014: Calculus I:   Math 115-003, and Modern Algebra: Math 412/512-001

Fall 2013: Calculus I: Mgt, Life and Soc Sci:  Math 113-002, and Modern Algebra: Math 412/512-001

Winter 2013: Calculus 1: Math 115-004, and Introduction to Linear Algebra: Math 227-002

Fall 2012: Calculus I: Mgt, Life and Soc Sci: Math 113-002 and Math 113-004

Illustrations by Myrna