
Myrna 2021 - marker on paper

I am an algebraic geometer interested in notions of positivity for vector bundles.

Recent Talks & Workshops:

June 24-28, 2024: Project Leader with Courtney George for WIAG2 at IAS

November 18, 2023: The minimal projective bundle dimension and toric 2-Fano manifolds at Michigan Algebraic Geometry Symposium

Sept 12, 2023: The minimal projective bundle dimension and toric 2-Fano manifolds at AG@PUI Virtual Seminar (video and slides are posted on the seminar site)

May 25, 2023: The minimal projective bundle dimension and toric 2-Fano manifolds at Online Nottingham Algebraic Geometry Seminar (video and slides are posted on the seminar site)


C. Araujo, R. Beheshti, A. Castravet, K. Jabbusch, S.Makarova, E. Mazzon, N. Viswanathan: The minimal projective bundle dimension and toric 2-Fano manifolds.  arXiv:2301.00883.  To appear in Trans. Amer. Soc.  

M. Dolorfino, C. Horch, K. Jabbusch, R. Martinez: On Good Infinite Families of Toric Codes or the Lack Thereof. Involve, a Journal of Mathematics 17-3 (2024), 397--423. DOI 10.2140/involve.2024.17.397 arXiv:2201.08464. (From 2021 REU)

R. Graff, K. Jabbusch, D. James: Intuitive Interpretations of SVD Vectors.  The College Mathematics Journal Vol. 54 (3), 2023, pp 200-211. DOI:10.1080/07468342.2023.2201567. Data from UM-Dearborn Math Club used in the paper.

C. Araujo, R. Beheshti, A. Castravet, K. Jabbusch, S.Makarova, E. Mazzon, N. Viswanathan, L. Taylor:  Higher Fano Manifolds. Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina (The Proceedings of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2021), Vol 64(1), 2022, pp 103-125,

E. Cairncross, S. Ford, E. Garcia, K. Jabbusch:  Classifying toric surface codes of dimension 7.  Involve, a Journal of Mathematics 14-4 (2021), 605--616. DOI 10.2140/involve.2021.14.605 (From 2019 REU)

D. Chan, K. Chan, L. de Thanhoffer de Volcsey, C. Ingalls, K. Jabbusch, S. Kovàcs, R. Kulkarni, B. Lerner, B. Nanayakkara, S. Okawa, M. Van den Bergh: The minimal model program for b-log canonical divisors and applications.  Mathematische Zeitschrift Vol 303, 87 (2023).

J. Clifford, K. Jabbusch, M. Lachance: Preimages of the Numerical Range. The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 125(1), 2018, pp 69-74.

S. Di Rocco, K. Jabbusch, G. Smith: Toric vector bundles and parliaments of polytopes. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, Vol. 370 (11), 2018, pp 7715-7741.  arXiv:1409.3109

S.Di Rocco, K. Jabbusch, A. Lundman: A note on higher order Gauss maps.  Michigan Math. J., Vol.66(1), 2017, pp 21-35. arXiv: 1410.4811

Th. Bauer, C. Bocci, S. Cooper, S. Di Rocco, M. Dumnicki, B. Harbourne, K. Jabbusch, A. Knutset, A. Küronya, R. Miranda, J. Roe, H. Schenck, T. Szemberg, Z. Teitler: Recent developments and open problems in linear series. “Contributions to Algebraic Geometry,” EMS Series of Congress Reports, Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich, 2012 pp 93--140.

K. Jabbusch and S. Kebekus: Families over special base manifolds and a conjecture of Campana.  Mathematische Zeitschrift: Volume 269, Issue 3 (2011), pp 847-878.

K. Jabbusch and S. Kebekus: Positive sheaves of differentials coming from coarse moduli spaces. Annales de l'institut Fourier, 61 no. 6 (2011), pp 2277-2290.

K. Jabbusch: Positivity of cotangent bundles. Michigan Math. J., Vol. 58(3), 2009, pp 723-744.

C. Cadman, I. Coskun, K. Jabbusch, M. Joyce, S. Kovàcs, M. Lieblich, F. Sato, M. Szczensny, and J. Zhang: A first glimpse at the minimal model program. Snowbird Lectures in Algebraic Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 388, AMS, 2005, pp 17-42.