Unpublished Manuscript

I have a few manuscripts no longer for publishing mostly due to (one of) the following reasons.

1. After finishing it, I no longer feel excited about it.

2. I find that others results surpassed mine.

3. It contains mostly examples.

4. I prefer the results known to me only.

5. It is still unsatisfactory, or still in progress.

On the generalized Fulton conjecture, 2008 (latexed).

ADE chains and beyond, 2009 (partially latexed).

Mutation of rigid presentation vs. simple tilt, 2010 (tex file lost).

Classification of moduli of quiver representations in dimension two, (In progress).

Examples of moduli of quiver representations in dimension three, 2011 (latexed).

Moduli of representations II. Extension from quivers, 2012 (partially latexed).

Counting using Hall algebras I ½. Preprojective algebras, 2012 (latexed).

Counting using Hall algebras II ½. Tilted algebras, 2013 (partially latexed).

Categorical homotopy I. Quivers, 2012 (latexed).

Tensor invariants in low dimensions, 2013 (latexed).

Lehmer's conjecture and quiver representations, 2013 (untexed).

Cluster algebras and Diophantine equations I. Some Fanos, 2015 (partially latexed).

Cluster algebras and Diophantine equations II. Some Calabi-Yaus, 2017 (partially latexed).

Cluster algebras, elliptic curves, and Painlevé equations, 2017 (latexed).

General Presentations of Algebras and Foundations of tau-tilting Theory

Crystal structure of g-vectors of G/U, 2019 (latexed).