Issue Selling and
Issue Management

Publications and Blogs

Grant, A.M., J. Dutton, and B. Rosso. Giving Commitment: Employee Support Programs and the Prosocial Sensemaking Process. Academy of Management Journal, 51:5, 898-918, 2008.

Dutton, J., S. Ashford, K. Lawrence and K. Miner-Rubino. Red Light, Green Light: Making Sense of the Organizational Context for Issue Selling. Organization Science, 13,4, 355-369, 2002

Dutton, J., S. Ashford, R. O’Neill and K. Lawrence. Moves that Matter: Issue Selling and Organizational Change. Academy of Management Journal, 4, 44, 716-737, 2001.

Ashford S., N. Rothbard, S. Piderit and J. Dutton. Out on a Limb: The Role of Context and Impression Management in Selling Gender-Equity Issues. Administrative Science Quarterly, 43, 23-57, 1998.

Dutton, J., S. Ashford, L. Wierba, R. O’Neill and E. Hayes. Reading the Wind: How Middle Managers Read the Context for Issue Selling. Strategic Management Journal, 18, 5, 407-423, 1997.

Denison, D., J. Dutton, J. Kahn and S. Hart. Organizational Context and the Interpretation of Strategic Issues. A Note on CEO’s Interpretations of Foreign Direct Investment. Journal of Management Studies, 33, 4, 453-474, 1996.

Dutton, J. and S. Ashford. Selling Issues to Top Management. Academy of Management Review, 18, 3, 397-428, 1993.

Dutton, J. Interpretations on Automatic: A Different View of Strategic Issue Diagnosis. Journal of Management Studies, 30, 3, 339-358, 1993.

Milliken. F., J. Dutton and J. Beyer. Adapting to a Changing Work Force: Organization and Work-Family Issues. Human Resource Planning, 13, 2, 91-107, 1990.

Dutton, J., E. Walton and E. Abrahamson. The Important Dimensions of Strategic Issues: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff. Journal of Management Studies, 26, 4, 379-396, July, 1989.

Jackson, S. and J. Dutton. Discerning Threats and Opportunities. Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, 370-387, September, 1988.

Dutton, J. and J. Webster. Patterns of Interest Around Issues: The Role of Uncertainty and Feasibility. Academy of Management Journal, 31, 3, 663-675, July, 1988.

Dutton, J. and R. Duncan. The Influence of Strategic Planning on Strategic Change. Strategic Management Journal, 8, 2, 103-116, 1987.

Dutton, J. and R. Duncan. Strategic Issue Diagnosis and Creation of Momentum for Change. Strategic Management Journal, 8, 3, 279-295, 1987.) (Recipient of Tenneco Award for Outstanding Paper in Management)

Dutton, J. and E. Ottensmeyer. Strategic Issue Management Systems: Forms, Functions and Contexts. Academy of Management Review, 12, 2, 355-365, 1987.

Dutton, J. and S. Jackson. Categorizing Strategic Issues: Links to Organizational Action. Academy of Management Review, 12, 1, 76-90, 1987.

Dutton, J. Understanding Strategic Agenda Building and its Implications for Managing Change. Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies, 3, 1, 3-24, 1986. Reprinted in L.R. Pondy, R.J. Boland and H. Thomas (Eds.) Managing Ambiguity and Change, John Wiley & Sons, 1988, 127-144 and in D. Hickson (Ed) Managerial Decision Making, Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1995.

Dutton, J. The Processing of Crisis and Non-Crisis Strategic Issues: A Situationalist Perspective. Journal of Management Studies, 23, 5, 501-517, 1986.

Dutton, J., L. Fahey and V. K. Narayanan. Toward Understanding Strategic Issue Diagnosis. Strategic Management Journal, 4, 307-323, 1983.

Staw, B. M., L. Sandelands and J. Dutton. Threat-Rigidity Effects in Organizational Behavior: A Multi-level Analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26, 501-524, 1981. Reprinted in Cameron, K., R. Sutton and D. Whetten (Eds.) Organizational Decline, Cambridge: Ballinger, 1988 and in C.L. Cooper (Ed.), Classics in Management Thought, Chettendam, England: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999.

Book Chapters, Research Annuals

  • Book Chapters & Research Annuals

Pratt, M. and J. Dutton. Owning Up or Opting Out: The Conditions for Issue Ownership in Organizations. In N. Ashkanasky, C. Hartel and W. Zerbe (Eds.) Emotions and Organizational Life, Quorum Books, 2000, 103-129.

Dutton, J. Strategic Agenda Building in Organizations. In Z. Shapira (Ed.) Organization Decision Making, Cambridge University Press, 1997, 81-107.

Dutton, J. and W. J. Penner. Organizational Identity and Strategic Agenda Building. J. Hendry and G. Johnson with J. Newton (Eds.) In Strategic Thinking: Leadership and the Management of Change, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1993, 89-113.

Dutton, J. The Making of Organizational Opportunities: An Interpretive Pathway to Organizational Change. In B. M. Staw and L. L. Cummings (Eds.) Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol. 15, Greenwich, Conn: JAI Press, 1993, 195-226.

Dutton, J., S. Stumpf and D. Wagner. Diagnosing Strategic Issues and Managerial Investment of Resources. In P. Shrivastava and R. Lamb (Eds.) Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 6, Greenwich, Conn: JAI Press, 1990, 143-167.

Dutton, J. and E. Ottensmeyer. Interpreting Environments and Taking Actions: Profiles of Strategic Issues Management Systems. In C. Snow (Ed.) Strategy, Organization Design and Human Resource Management, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1988. (Recipient of Tenneco Award for Outstanding Paper in Management)

Dutton, J. Perspectives on Strategic Issue Processing: Insights from A Case Study. In R. Lamb and P. Shrivastava (Eds.) Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 5, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1988, 223-244.