Compassion and Organizations

Media Coverage, Podcasts, and Multimedia

  • Media Coverage & Podcasts

Awakening Compassion, Part I & Part II: A Masterclass with Jane Dutton & Monica Worline, Spark Connection with Anna Lucas, September 2022.

Managers: Compassion and Accountability Aren’t Mutually Exclusive, Harvard Business Review, August 2021.

Podcast with Compassion 2.0 (Parts 1 and 2), July 2020.

He Was A Covid-19 Patient. She Cleaned His Hospital Room. Their Unexpected Bond Saved His Life, Daniel Burke, CNN, June 11, 2020.

Awakening Compassion at Work with Jane Dutton & Monica Worline, The Courageous Life Podcast, 2020.

Awakening Compassion at Work with Scott Barry Kaufman in his Psychology Podcast July 2017.

Getting to Yes, And . . . "Awakening Compassion at Work" An Interveiw with Jane Dutton and Monica Worline, WGN Radio, December 5, 2017

What to Do When a Personal Crisis Is Hurting Your Professional Life, 2017.

The Business Case for Compassion, 2017.

5 Surprising Reasons Compassion Is a Competitive Advantage, 2017.

How Compassion Can Unleash Third Metric Success For Women in Workplaces, 2014.

President Obama's right: Americans might be growing numb to mass shootings. Here's why., 2015.

  • Multimedia

How Does Compassion Build Trust? from Coursera course "How to Network: Leading Yourself to Lead Others," 2022.

"Conversation about Compassion and Connection in Challenging Times" convened by the Australian Positive Organizational Scholarship Community of Practice with Dr. Suzy Green, Founder & CEO, The Positivity Institute and Dr. Rosemary Sainty UTS Business School, November, 2021.

"Rising to the Moment: Leading and Working with Compassion Now" Positive Links, September 14, 2020.

"Awakening Compassion at Work" Interview with Zina Suissa of Resonance Coaching October, 2019.

“Book Talk on Awakening Compassion at Work”, Center for Positive Organizations Showcase Session, April, 2017.

"Does Compassion Have Value at Work" Interview with Michelle McQuaid, 2014.

"Compassion at Work", Positive Links, September 2013.

AMR: Care & Compassion Series, The Ethics of Research and Publishing 2012 Annual Meeting

Publications and Blogs

Worline, M. and J. Dutton. The Courage to Teach with Compassion: Enriching Classroom Designs and Practices to Foster Responsiveness to Suffering, Management Learning, advanced online publication, 2021.

Dutton, J. and M. Worline. Educators, It’s Time to Put on Your Compassion Hats, Harvard Business Publishing Education, April 3, 2020.

Worline, M., J. Dutton and A. Hardin. Forming Stronger Bonds with People at Work, Harvard Business Review, October 16, 2017.

Worline, M. and J. Dutton. A Conversation with Monica Worline and Jane Dutton: Compassion in the Workplace, Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, Vol 4, Issue 2 Summer, June 23, 2017.

Dutton, J.E., Workman, K.M., and A.E. Hardin. Compassion at Work. The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1, 277-304, 2014. *I am pleased to provide you complimentary one-time access to my Annual Reviews article for your own personal use. Any further distribution, publication, or commercial usage of this copyrighted material requires submission of a permission request addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center.

Rynes, S., Bartunek, J. Dutton. J. and Margolis, J. Care and Compassion Through an Organizational Lens: Opening up New Possibilities. Academy of Management Review, 37, 4, 403-423, 2012.

Dutton, J.E., & Workman, K.M. Compassion as a Generative Force. Journal of Management Inquiry, 20, 401-406, 2012.

Lilius, J.M., M.C. Worline, J.E. Dutton, J. Kanov, S. Maitlis, and P.J. Frost. Understanding Compassion Capability. Human Relations, Vol. 64, No. 7, 873-899, 2011.

Grant, A.M., J. Dutton, and B. Rosso. Giving Commitment: Employee Support Programs and the Prosocial Sensemaking Process. Academy of Management Journal, V51:5, 898-918, 2008.

Lilius, J.M., M.C. Worline, S. Maitlis, J. Kanov, J.E. Dutton, and P. Frost. The Contours and Consequences of Compassion at Work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 29, 193-218, 2008.

Dutton, J., M. Worline, P. Frost, and J. Lilius. Explaining Compassion Organizing. Administrative Science Quarterly, 51, 1, 59-96, 2006.

Kanov, J., S. Maitlis, M. Worline, J Dutton, P. Frost and J. Lilius. Compassion in Organizational Life. American Behavioral Scientist,47,6, 808-827, 2004.

Dutton, J., P. Frost, M. Leading in Times of Trauma. Harvard Business Review, Jan., 54-61, 2002. Reprinted in Harvard Business Review on Building Personal and Organizational Resilience, (Boston: Harvard Business School Press).

Books, Chapters & Research Annuals

  • Books

Dutton, J.E., M. Worline. Awakening Compassion at Work. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2017.

  • Book Chapters

Worline, M. and J. Dutton. How Leaders Shape Compassion Processes in Organizations. In E. Seppala, J. Doty, M. Worline, D. Cameron, S. Brown, and E. Simon-Thomas (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Compassionate Science, New York: Oxford University Press, October 24, 2017.

Lilius, J.M., Kanow, J., Dutton, J.E., Worline, M.C., and Maitlis, S. Compassion Revealed: What we Know about Compassion at Work (and Where We Need to Know More). In K. Cameron and G. Spreitzer (eds.) Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. A summary of this chapter is contained in "Compassion Revealed."

Dutton, J., J. Lilius and J. Kanov. The Transformative Potential of Compassion at Work. In Handbook of Transformative Cooperation: New Designs and Dynamics. In D. Cooperrider, R. Fry and S. Piderit, (Eds.), Stanford University Press, 2007, 107-126.

Frost, P.J., Dutton, J.E., Maitlis, S., Lilius, J.M., Kanov, J.M., and Worline, M.C. Seeing Organizations Differently: Three Lenses on Compassion. For the The Sage Handbook of Organization Studies, 2nd edition, Clegg, S.R., Hardy, C., Lawrence, T.B., & Nord. W.R.. London: Sage Publications, 2006.

Frost, P., J. Dutton, M. Worline and A. Wilson. Narratives of Compassion in Organizations. In S. Fineman (Ed.) Emotions in Organizations, Sage Publications, 2000, 25-45.

Working Papers

Worline, M., J. Dutton and P. Frost. Literal and Metaphorical Fire: A Case Study of the Organizing of Compassion.

For more work related to compassion, see the CompassionLab's website at