Thank you for your interest in working with me and sharing the joy of doing research. :) I am committed to building a research group that provides an inclusive environment for everyone. I strongly encourage students from underrepresented groups in Computer Science research to apply. This includes, but is not limited to, Dalits, Adivasis, women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of racialized groups, and members of sexual and gender minority groups. 

I am looking for multiple Undergraduate, Master's, and PhD students to work with me on Deep Reinforcement Learning at the Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Mi’kma’ki, Canada.

Things I Look For in a Student

Research Opportunities and Application Processes

I) Current Dalhousie Undergraduate Students

If you are currently an undergraduate student at the FCS in Dalhousie University, you have at least three avenues for doing research with me.

I strongly encourage undergraduate students who are potentially interested in pursuing a Master's or PhD with me after completing their undergrad to apply and explore these opportunities during their undergrad.

To apply,

I welcome applications any time of the year. 

II) Current Dalhousie Master's Students

If you are currently a Master's student at the FCS in Dalhousie University, you have the following avenues for doing research with me.

I strongly encourage Master's students (both MCS and MACS students) who are potentially interested in pursuing a PhD with me after completing their Master's to apply and explore these opportunities during their Master's. 

To apply,

I welcome applications any time of the year. 

III) Other Prospective Students Applying to the Master's / PhD Program at Dalhousie

To apply,

I welcome applications (step 1) any time of the year. 

Here are some videos to give you a feel for what Dalhousie University, Halifax, and Nova Scotia have to offer!