Han Gia Le
I am a sixth–year PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Michigan, under the advisement of Professor Jinho Baik. Before Michigan, I completed my B.S. in Mathematics at the University of Utah.
My research interests lie in probability theory, with connection to statistical physics. In my recent works, I use tools in random matrix theory and asymptotic theory to study spherical spin glass models.
I use she/her/hers pronouns.
Email hanle at umich dot edu
Office 5832 East Hall
Mail 530 Church Street, 2074 East Hall
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Publications and Preprints
An edge CLT for the log determinant of Laguerre beta ensembles (to appear in Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist.)
with Elizabeth Collins-Woodfin, arXiv:2209.03271. [AWM 2023 Research Symposium Poster]
Free energy of the bipartite spherical SK model at critical temperature
with Elizabeth Collins-Woodfin, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 2024, DOI, arXiv:2308.15460. [JMM 2024 Poster] [Slides]
January 20–24, School on Disordered Media, HUN-REN Rényi Institute, Budapest
September 26–28, Conference on New Developments in Probability, CRM, Montréal
September 15, SIAM Student Mini-Symposium in Applied Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
August 5–16, SLMath Summer School on Mathematical Spin Glass Theory, Courant Institute, New York City
June 17–28, Random Matrix Theory Summer School, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
May 20–22, Random Matrices and Applications, ICERM, Providence
January 4–6, JMM 2024, San Francisco