Call for Papers


Submissions open 11 October 2022

Submissions due 19 December 2022 11:55 PM anywhere on Earth

Notifications sent 11 February 2023 

submissions are closed

Abstract instructions

The (formal) Approaches to South Asian Languages [(f)ASAL] conference is the main North American venue dedicated to the presentation and discussion of linguistic research on South Asian languages. The special theme of (f)ASAL-13 is language contact and multilingualism. As such, along with welcoming abstracts concerning the linguistic analysis and/or description of South Asian languages and/or language use in South Asia, spoken or signed, we especially encourage submissions which investigate or center the multilingualism pervasive amongst language users and communities in South Asia, as well as the linguistic outcomes of various contexts of language contact. We welcome submissions across theoretical approaches, methods, and levels of linguistic analysis. We also encourage contributions from students and early career scholars.


We invite submissions for 20-minute or 5-minute presentations (the latter in lieu of a traditional poster session). 

In order to support reviewers as they evaluate, successful abstracts should include

We ask that abstracts be limited to two single-spaced pages (A4 or US Letter) with 2.5 cm (1-inch) margins and a minimum font size of 11 pt. A third page can include references, large graphs, tables, pictures, and/or figures, but, please, no other text. Abstracts must be anonymous. 

In order to increase participation, authors may be involved in at most two abstracts and may be the sole author of at most one abstract for the entire conference.