Directed Reading Program

Directed Reading Program Presentation, Fall 2023 

(Photo taken by Jasper Liang)

The application for the Summer 2024 DRP is now live! Undergraduates can head to the Application tab to access the application.

Are you a graduate student interested in being a mentor for the DRP program? You can access the sign-up form here.


The directed reading program (DRP) provides an opportunity for undergraduate students at University of Michigan to work closely with a graduate student at the Department of Mathematics.

This program is designed to help motivated undergraduate students explore mathematical topics in more depth than possible in a classroom setting. In consultation with their graduate mentors, the students choose a topic and text to study for their project. During the semester, the students read their chosen text and meet with their mentors regularly to discuss their progress. At the end of the semester, the students give brief presentations on their topics.

Expectations from Students

Although the program is designed to be fairly laid-back, we do have some general expectations from the undergraduate students in this program.

Note that the DRP is not an undergraduate research program. Nor will the students receive any course credit for their projects (this means no exams and no grades).

Benefits for Students

Students participating in the program