Directed Reading Program

Application Link for Summer 2024

Click here to access the application for the DRP.

When you are filling out the application form, you will be asked to attach a brief (one page, max) exposition of a mathematical result you find interesting. It could, for example, be a mathematical topic that you are excited to learn, or even a homework problem that you really liked. Here is an example from ordinary differential equations.

Application Link for Winter 2024

Click here to access the application for the DRP.

When you are filling out the application form, you will be asked to attach a brief (one page, max) exposition of a mathematical result you find interesting. It could, for example, be a mathematical topic that you are excited to learn, or even a homework problem that you really liked. Here is an example from ordinary differential equations.

Application Criteria

To participate in the program, you must have completed a math course involving proofs (e.g. Math 185 or Math 217). In addition, you must commit to:

Note that the DRP is not an undergraduate research program, nor do you receive any course credit.